A C17th Charismatic Baptist?

The paragraph below was published by an English Baptist leader in 1660. I first noticed it (I had read the book before) about a year ago, and noted to myself that it sounded very much like a repudiation of (what now gets called) cessationism, and a suggestion that he and his readers should seek a renewal of the Pentecostal gifts of the Spirit.

Nothing else in the (admittedly fairly sketchy) narrative we have of his life shows any hint in this direction, and, despite his eminence as a national leader, there is no evidence I know of that anyone acted on this suggestion. As a result, at the time I filed it under ‘puzzling’, with a note to myself to think more about it.

I’d be interested to know if others can see an alternative reading–or did a C17th Baptist pre-empt Edward Irving and Azusa Street, at least in exegesis and desire?

The paragraph (square brackets are my editorial notes; otherwise exactly as published, with the sort of interesting orthography that is common to the age):

Together with these things, let it not be thought a needless work, or besides the business in hand, to consider whether Saints are not now (in these latter dayes wherein ’tis evil, as appears by the Apostle, to depart from the Faith professed in former Apostolical dayes, I Tim. 4.1.) whether Saints (I say) are not now to seek for, and in Faith to wait whereby to receive the Spirit, with the same particular gifts and operations which Saints formerly enjoyed, in order to their carrying on the great Work of the Gospel, both among themselves and others? Since God in his making Promise of pouring out the Spirit upon his People, (which Promise we in these latter dayes flye unto as the ground of our Faith) makes mention also of several gifts of the same Spirit, John 2.28,29. [rd Joel 2: 28-29—or just possibly Jn. 12:28-29??] And withal considering, that the Apostles exhorted the Churches ‘earnestly to covet, and follow after the several gifts of the Spirit,’ I Cor. 12. 28, 29,30, 31. 14. 1, 39. Which exhortations, if they reach us, and speak to us, as much as any other Scripture-exhortations (which for any to deny is hard) then, Oh then! great need have all to pray, Lord, increase our Faith.

Matthew Caffyn, Faith in God’s Promises, the Saints best weapon (London: S. Dover for F. Smith, 1660; Wing2 C207), p. 19.

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